Monday, November 14, 2011

We Kissed Him in Public ♥

Johnny aglow in colored spotlights 
during the finale of Fashion on Ice.
And it's so incredibly satisfying to see 
I'm not the only one who thought so...
Photo © David Ingogly.

So the NBC broadcast of Fashion on Ice happened yesterday and it was every bit as fabulous as I remembered from being there x infinity. Although, as my friend Nancy Knisley (producer of "The Quotable Johnny Weir" blog--but don't go there right now and start reading because you'll never come back here for days and by then we'll be talking about something else entirely and you'll be left in some kind of fugue state with lots of Johnny's words filling your head but no idea how they apply to the current blog or how to use them in conversation with regular people as if you'd want to carry on a conversation anyway with people who don't know every single Johnny reference there is and who thus all seem like they have a lot of paper close to them....) pointed out, even Johnny in HD does not quite capture Johnny performing live. She's right--there's some indefinable quality missing in video--but it's damn close, and just perfect when you want a little bit of Johnny right there in your living room, smacking his ass, blowing kisses, and flipping up his skirt with more sass than you ever imagined could be contained in one larger-than-life-but-kind-of-compact-in-real-life person and still be legal but aren't we glad it is?

Let's review with some brief new picspam of several moments in the show (please click photos twice for full-size view. They're wonderfully huuuuuuge):

Johnny and Sarah Hughes escort Betsey Johnson
on the ice at the end of the first half of the show. 
LOVE this costume!

Johnny at the beginning of Ave Maria...

...and taking a bow at the end. 
A stunningly beautiful performance.

Applauding others during the finale.

Watching him all over again in the show was divine, and then there was bonus footage of him (squeeee!) with the designers--Betsey Johnson (whom I love more every time I see her) and Gilles Mendel (flawless)--but even better was the extended piece about his eDressMe collection (more squeee and a big congrats to Tara for making that happen!! Perfection to have a spot about Johnny's work as a designer nested inside features about designers and their fashions nested inside an ice show featuring, yes, designers and fashion. It's like the Matryoshka doll of ice shows. I could die of happy from the metaphor alone).

So if you didn't know better, you might think this whole thing was a showcase mostly for him... because that's certainly how it ended up, through no fault of its own, really, but the whole program just kind of got swept up in the ethereal but oh-so-sexy dazzle that is Johnny and found itself flirting outrageously with him through the first half and then completely falling in love with him during the second half and promising him the moon and the stars if he'd just do that slide thing one more time, baby, just one more time... Because he totally stole the show. And its heart. And everyone else's hearts, too.

His Facebook fan page exploded yesterday with posts from people raving about his performances. And after the broadcast, Johnny tweeted to ask people to tell Disson Skating if they loved the show. 

So we did. In droves. Here's just a sample...

But as much as I love those tweets, I love the ones below even more, from during and after the broadcast. Ranging from "Johnny Weir was SO AWESOME today!" to "JOHNNY WEIR JUST SKATED TO BAD ROMANCE IN THE COOLEST F*CKING OUTFIT I'VE EVER SEEN HOLY SHIT I JUST LOST MY MIND!!!!" and "JOHNNY MOTHERF*CKING WEIR MY GOD YOU ARE A FLAWLESS HUMAN BEING" (two of my personal favorites) to the simple "Johnny Weir <3," it's all there: 

A whole slew of public kisses--for him, for what he does, for the way he does it, for who he is.

Love it.

So much. 

(And if you love it too, please stop by Disson Skating's Facebook page and tell them by voting for Johnny in their poll!)

Did you miss the broadcast? 
Never fear: Wendy Stevenz has uploaded every part 
you'd want to see on her YouTube channel!! 
And more video coverage coming soon! 
The entire show also will be re-broadcast on Ovation 
on Friday, November 25--check local listings!

NEW!! Friday's blog, "Portraits," now updated 
with true full-size images!! 
If you haven't had a chance to see
these gorgeous photos yet, please check them out.
Here's just one sample...
(click photo again after it loads for full size).

All FOI photos © David Ingogly.

Their "Fever On Ice" program is up 
for a $50K grant from Pepsi Refresh!

Johnny's Glitter and Ice collection 
with MAC is selling out fast! 
Don't miss your chance to sparkle--
visit a MAC retailer or order online ASAP! 

NEW!! The Sheraton Philadelphia University City 
is now the official Holiday Dreams On Ice hotel!! 
Book your rooms before December 9 
and receive a special HDOI-only discount! 
The Sheraton also will be hosting the VIP after-show party.
More info on the Holiday Dreams On Ice website!

"Like" HDOI on Facebook
and use promo code "philadelphia" 
for 50% off your general admission ticket!!

Yes!! Q and A returns! Go read it now!
(Note: Now updated every Monday and Thursday... 
more time to savor each one!)

Yes! Johnny's dresses are now available
for purchase only on!

At last: Pop Star On Ice is now available on DVD!
Order yours today from the Pop Star On Ice website!

Johnny tweeted recently:
"Buy my single,'Dirty Love' via iTunes.
Tell all your friends to as well. The more copies sold
takes me one step closer to making a video! №1!"
You know what to do.
Please buy the song from Johnny's website,
or just click the "Buy" button on the player
at the top of the blog!

Hey, Welcome to My World also is available
as an eBook! More info on Johnny's website!

Please help us nominate Johnny 
for "Must-Follow Athlete on Social Media" 
in the Fifth Annual Mashable Awards! 
From the Mashable site: You can submit one nomination 
per category every day. Mashable's editors will select 
seven finalists for each category, 
and finalists will be announced Nov. 21. 
Then readers will vote for the winners. 
Award winners will be announced on Mashable on Dec. 19.
Click here to nominate him!

copyright 2011 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


aaaack said...

Thank you! Have not yet seen Johnny in 3D but will have to.

Plus, it was heartening to see so many discovering/rediscovering Johnny. I wish I had captured the numbers on facebook and twitter before and after his TV appearance.

Thank you, Binky, for being the blogger of record.

Anonymous said...

Such a great show!! I enjoyed watching all the skaters, and the costumes were amazing. And Johnny's were the best -- night and day, and both totally perfect for him.

I'm so glad Disson aired both of his programs!!! If they had to cut for time, I'm happy they were smart enough not to cut Johnny's. Love!!

Nancy Knisley said...

Thanks for the shout-out for The Quotable Johnny Weir, Binky.

I have watched the FOI Bad Romance performance repeated since yesterday evening. I'm getting nothing done! The fact that the TV was able to give us a closeup of those hawt and hilarious emotions on Johnny's face is what made that broadcast especially special.

Princess Johnny-Love ♥ said...

love that pic of Johnny taking a bow - such a great expression on his face!

ty ty ty! to Wendy for uploading everything! downloading to my ipod for permanent replay!