Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Beauties of Brighton Beach.
Love these ladies!
Johnny's hat and shoes are all kinds of WIN.
Photo by Cass Bird.

Pardon me. I'm still wiping off stray bits of ewwwwww from the Festival of Dapperosity that was yesterday, thanks to a "writer" (and I could not use the term more loosely, in the same way one might laughingly suggest that Sarah Palin is "qualified to run for office") who shall remain nameless but whose legacy of
lazy-and-just-plain-wrong snark in place of actual journalistic inquiry and integrity shall forever live in infamy and serve as a stark reminder that really, NY Magazine will just hire anybody these days. Except fact-checkers.

On the bright side, after the initial shock wore off of having something so disappointing as that article appear at the same time as such thoughtful and thought-provoking new Johnny quotes, simply astonishing new photos of Johnny by Cass Bird, plus the new Sun Valley and Lake Placid photos posted by Leah Adams--two goddesses among photographers--our vomit-laden reactions gave way to glittery glee and a Twitter hashtag-fest the likes of which I have not seen since #dapperisthenewbitchslap (still an all-time favorite) debuted.

Here's just a sample:

(Loved Johnny's tweet! This writer could not take herself more seriously, and in less than 140 characters, her smugly self-important "tour de force" piece is reduced to ... a "funny interview.")





#guuuurrrrllll I'm typing in my pyjamas #againstwhichmystomachstrains

I am of course in shortalls #againstwhichmystomachstrains #guuuurrrrllll

don't forget to take pictures, so you can do something strange, like put them in frames and hang them in your home #deviant

I only have pictures of complete strangers in my home, ppl I've never met in places I've never been with them. #dontyou #WTF

#Guuuuurrrrrlllll Tearing myself away from #Grindr just long enuff to get my #tattyterryrobe

#tattyterryrobe #Ihaveoneofthosetoo

#GettinMyGrindrOnWithMyGlueGunAndPinkChiffon #DontAsk

So. Please allow me to adjust my tatty terry robe (like she doesn't have one at her house #bitchplease), load up my hot-glue gun and my pink chiffon in preparation for making an effigy of #ThatNamelessWriter, assemble some photo collages of absolutely no one I've ever met so I can get the NYMag seal of approval in home decorating, and then let's move on to a little spectacular something that got overlooked in all the
#f*ckIsteppedindogshitAGAINanditsnameisWTFNYMag, specifically this:

Yes, it's Johnny's Saturday night gymnastics commentary from Universal Sports! #wedgies

In addition, Nastia Liukin interviewed him before the women's events while he was getting ready:

Wonderful! #themuscles #IEvenSmelledLikeAManAfterJustWatchingIt

And finally of course there's this, because that kick had to be gif'ed (#theshoes!):

There. All better. Between this stuff and #GettinMyGrindr GrooveOnInMyTattyTerryRobe, I've almost forgotten all about that funny little interview. Now I'm going to go order me some Leah Adams photos so I can make photo collages to send to #WhatsHerName. Because apparently she thinks it's weird to have photos in your home of you with your friends and family. So these would be perfect for her: Collages of Johnny Weir, someone she's never met.

Twitter voting roundup!

Vote here for Johnny to win "Follow Me."
Current rank: #1
24 voting days remaining.

Vote here for Johnny to win "Sexiest Twitter"!
Current rank: #3
(gaaaah! @JoeFlanigan pushed ahead to #2 yesterday)
18 voting days remaining.

Vote here for Johnny to win "Mr. Twitter"!
Current rank: #3
14 voting days remaining.

Vote here for Johnny to win "Best of Twitter"!
Current rank: #7
(YES! He's holding steady ahead of Sarah Palin!)
14 voting days remaining.

Vote here for Johnny to win "Actor of the Month"!
Current rank: #31
4 voting days remaining.

Vote here for Vanya and BonBon
to win "Best Pets" (awwwww....).
Current rank: #8
14 voting days remaining.

And finally: If you'd like to show some blog love,
please vote here for misfitmimes.blogspot.com
to win "Best Blog."
Current rank: #1 and holding!
Voting ends tonight at midnight!
Thank you for all the votes,
and very special thanks to the kind reader
who nominated it!

Hey! You can enter to win a virtual styling session
with Johnny and a $500 shopping spree
from BlueFly.com!
Just submit a photo of the most
outrageous item in your closet!
Johnny will be choosing the winner in 3 days!
More info here!

Coming soon: More in the series
of translated interviews from the Mook Book
courtesy of the fabulous Akiko Nakata!

Very special thanks
to fan Wendy Stevens for the videos,
and to all the #Twingles,
especially fan Debora Walsh,
for the hashtag lol-fest!

copyright 2010 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


WheresMyKoppy said...

LOL! Good job! You're so funny woman! I did't neglect those videos, I just didn't put any funny commentary along with them, lol!

Mimi said...

So so funny MM!!! I can always count on you and your hilarity to start my day! ♥ you so!!!!

Ninja Girl said...

Sadly I missed this least dapper of epic hashtag ho-down, so thank you thank you for posting the VIPs! Truly making something beautiful (or atleast extremely amusing) out of something ugly. You and the Twingles are a testament to Johnny's spirit.

akiko said...

Yesterday I was disgusted and depressed by #WhatsHerName's article. Today you made out of such ugly and idiocy something funniest with glitter. You are a genius, Binky! Thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

You are my hero ♥ I thought it was Johnny, but you certainly took that title today! :)


Are just some of my personnals xD.

Debora Walsh said...

Another great post Binky! Laughter is truly the best medicine...

I love that the hashtags assembled present a more cohesive "interview" than anything NY Mag managed to muster...


Nixxie said...
