Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The United Nations of Weir-Voronovia

Johnny waves to fans 
at the end of Artistry on Ice in Beijing.
Exclusive photo courtesy of 
the Chinese Angels / Maria Ma.

This week in worldwide utterly random Johnny-related news, we have a pupdate from Jersey, picspam from China, a scathing commentary on the Switzerland-based ISU, fabulous fan art from Japan, more China pics, an interview from Russia coming up, and an unearthly silence from California.

(Hellloooooo... Johnny, are you there....? Please tweet something.... anything....)

Oh wait. He has been tweeting. It's just that either Twitter has decided to go on an extended lunch break and can't possibly send any of his tweets to his Facebook fan page until it's had a chance to get out of this heat and enjoy a lovely iced chai or five, OR Facebook has been so busy surreptitiously changing everyone's email address to their lame FB system without anyone's permission that it simply hasn't had time to catch up on important things like Johnny's tweets FFS.

So yesterday our only evidence that he hadn't been swallowed alive by the San Andreas fault was this adorable pupdate from Victor...

Photo tweeted by Victor: 
"The puppy has annexed and subjugated 
@johnnygweir's side of the bed."

...and Johnny's response.

So to console ourselves while we await his return from the West Coast, which at this point might as well be China except without the awesome Weibo-ness that helps us feel like he's not so far away, here's an adorable series of exclusive photos, once again courtesy of the Chinese Angels and photographer Maria Ma. These are from the end of the Beijing performance of Artistry on Ice, in which Johnny experiences a slight wardrobe malfunction...

Taking his bows....

...and then he skates over to where he knows 
his fans are waiting with a special gift...

...his crown of roses.

But after all the clapping and dancing 
and skating and waving, 
it's starting to slip down just a bit....

...much to the amusement of both Johnny 
and Chinese skater Nan Song.

(This Explains Everything.)

So I'm not really in the habit of keeping up with arcane, non-user-friendly, highly technical skating news--by which I mean all of it--but this intriguing headline popped up somewhere for some reason that I forget now but I immediately had to click on it:

"2012 ISU Congress Proposes More of the Same"

You may recall that we were all equally intrigued as to why the ISU was holding its annual congress (why is it a super-pretentious "congress"? Why can't they just have conferences--or, you know, meetings--like everybody else?) in Kuala Lumpur (until we realized that it must be because it's right next door to weed-happy Thailand!), and apparently, according to this article's astute author, George Rossano, who is now one of my fav writers ever, one of the items up for discussion was a proposal to extend the terms of the current ISU Council's elected officers for two years after the 2014 Olympics for pretty much no reason at all beyond... vanity and ego?

Rossano points out:

The fundamental issue facing the ISU is ... first and foremost, restoring public interest and participation in skating, and confidence in competition results. President Cinquanta and the current Council have no obvious vision for how to do this that would justify extending terms two more years. What could president Cinquanta and the Council hope to accomplish in this regard with two more years that they were not able to accomplish in the last twenty? All they can offer is more of the same when the same is clearly not working. ...

The ISU needs new blood with a clear vision for how to develop and market skating to the youth of the world. President Cinquanta will be two months shy of 78 years old at the the 2016 Congress. He will be old enough to be the great-grandfather of the youngest skaters who will compete in Worlds that year. With only a bit of a stretch he will nearly be old enough to be the great-great-grandfather of the youngest children first taking up skating that year. What vision of relevance to the youngest generations of figure skaters in the 21st century can great-grandpa Ottavio offer as a speedskater who grew up in wartime Italy nearly 70 years ago? All he can offer is more of the same.

Ouch. This this this. So much this. When Johnny says perhaps he's at a slight disadvantage because in general figure skating is run by people much, much older than he is, he's seriously not kidding.

Sadly, during its ridiculously self-important congress meeting, the ISU voted to accept this proposal. So apparently it's a done deal, and we're all stuck with this ISU version of Geriatric Game of Thrones until the postponed elections are held in 2016, once again underscoring the FS officialdom motto: "Lady Gaga: So What Country Is Her Duchy In, Anyway? France? Excuse Me Whilst I Adjust My Doublet, Won't You?"

New Fan Art:
The Gifs That Keep on Giving

So dear lovely @ayukovon has been trying her hand at gifs, and of course she's amazing at them, just like she is with all her art. And her words are as poetic as her pictures:

Tweeted to Johnny: 
"Ganbatte! This is a memories of sparkle. 
Please smile. :)"

I love that closing image so much that
I had to put it here by itself so we could just stare at it. 
So beautiful.

She's also done other amazing pieces recently:

From earlier this month. She explains: 
"1st Sunday of June is day of the 
propose for marriage in Japan."

Tweeted after the Shenzhen show.

For Johnny, before the final show in Shanghai: 
"I wish for success of the last day. 
I cannot perfect imagine how beautiful you are."

"Something glamorous."

And finally, tweeted yesterday to cheer Victor up 
while he waits for Johnny to come home. 
The gif begins with the close-up of Victor.
Absolutely love this.

Bonus pics!! From the fan meeting in Beijing.
Please be sure to click twice for full-size image. 
The Chinese Angels show Johnny the chart they created 
to get all his measurements so they could have 
this beautiful jacket made for him:

This is the chart that he's holding in his hand...

...only his copy didn't have anything blurred out.

I asked the Chinese Angels what he was saying as he looked at the chart with his "frightened expression," as they described it, and they reported: "I was naked so many times?" (Or: "When I naked? Again?")

To avoid the need for further naked charts, 
he allowed the Chinese Angels to gather 
his measurements during the fan meeting. 
Here my lovely friend Haohewuyin is hard at work 
getting the exact centimeters of his... everything. 
This is now Haohewuyin's profile pic on her Weibo. :D

Bonus video!! Yes, it's the same one from 
his private practice session at the Toyota Sports Center 
that I ran on Monday, but here it is on YouTube!

As the Colorado wildfires continue to rage,
please send good vibes / prayers / wishes 
to all those facing this disaster. 
With much of American figure skating based in 
Colorado Springs, this affects many in the 
national figure skating community. 
Our thoughts are with you.

Say Yes to Johnny on Your TV!!

Tara's episode (with bonus Johnny!)
of Say Yes to the Dress is set to air 
on Friday, July 6, at 9 pm EDT / 8 pm CDT. 
Don't miss it!! Fingers crossed for this moment to be televised!

Coming up: A fabulous translation 
of Johnny's Sport Express interview
thanks to Tatiana Edrenkina!!

New on Johnny's website!! 
He's heading back to Japan in early September 
for Fantasy on Ice! More info here!

Landing quads and kicking ass 
at a Grand Prix event near you!
Read his comeback statement 
on his website!

Johnny returns to Sun Valley this summer! 
He'll be the headliner at the Saturday, August 4, ice show, 
and tickets are on sale now!! Don't miss it!

Please click to vote for Johnny 
once a day as "Best Sportsman"
Because he retweeted Luisa Lotka to tell us 
he wants us to! (Note: With his "58.132" rating, 
he is currently in 1st place in both 
Figure Skating AND across all sports!)

It's not too late! Subscribe now 
and get the entire Johnny Weir perspective, 
including his never-before-heard free skate commentary 
available exclusively on!

Q and A! Go read it now!

with MAC is pretty much sold out, 
but I'm leaving this video on here 
for a little while longer 
because I love it so much.

Yes! Johnny's dresses are now available
for purchase only on!

At last: Pop Star On Ice is now available on DVD!
Order yours today from the Pop Star On Ice website!

Johnny tweeted:
"Buy my single,'Dirty Love' via iTunes.
Tell all your friends to as well. The more copies sold
takes me one step closer to making a video! №1!"

You know what to do.
Please buy the song from Johnny's website,
or just click the "Buy" button on the player
at the top of the blog!

Hey, Welcome to My World also is available
as an eBook! More info on Johnny's website!

copyright 2012 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


jenn said...

Oh, I only saw that close-up of Victor on my phone. I didn't realize it was a gif! So. Adorable.

aaaack said...

So many beautiful photos and drawings and animated gifs! Thank you, fans from all over.

They help fill the vacuum while Johnny lives under a news bell jar, his comings and goings never random but unexplained.

Regarding the ISU...While we don't have a problem with age (Karl Lagerfeld, Betsy Johnson, Gloria Vanderbilt will stay young forever!), we do have a problem with officials NOT keeping up with the times and the evolution of culture, and running out of IDEAS. There is an apt saying..."lead, follow, or get out of the way."

The ISU needs to have an honorary emeritus category to reduce the pressure to produce now falling on those who are grasping at straws for new ideas. ISU needs the skating equivalent of an Anna Wintour (once nicknamed "Nuclear Wintour") to prune and revitalize the ISU operation from the top down.

If one looks at all the excitement and drama generated by individual, pair, and group dance competitions in the popular media, and even Battle of the Blades in Canada, one cannot help but think of all the lost opportunities for the sport of figure skating.

Maggie St. said...

Love it when Ayukovon posts her artwork So beautiful, just like her subjects ♥