Thursday, August 18, 2011

China Flashback Mega-Flail

Please Stop Whatever You're Doing and Watch This.

Yes! It's Johnny's Bad Romance from Shanghai (I think? Cuz his red hair + Sarah Jessica Parker?), as seen in the Artistry On Ice broadcast which is all extremely fascinating of course but the mind-boggling salient point here is that INCLUDED AT THE BEGINNING IS 18 SECONDS' WORTH OF VIDEO FROM THE AMAZING CHINA PHOTO SHOOT. AT LAST THIS AWESOMENESS IS NO LONGER HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD. HALLELOO.

Kayso you go ahead and watch ten or a thousand or so times, and then we'll regroup.


Next we have--oh, sorry. Yes, of course. Watch it again. I'll just be here.


OK! And now here's a screencap from the wonderful world of Weibo, pulled from this same broadcast, I think:

Please, please click twice for full size. 
You simply must. 

All righty then. I believe my work here is done. In that no one will be able to get any work done today because we'll all be on YouTube and Weibo.

You're welcome. :D

Bonus pic! Tweeted by Tara yesterday: 
"@JohnnyGWeir and his best friend 
are paying the Fireworks crew a visit." 
And I love that the unflappable Fireworks crew 
is basically paying no attention to him whatsoever,

Very special thanks 
to alert fans Jenn Kittler for the video, 
and Wendy Stevenz for the Weibo-ness!!

New on Johnny's website!
How I would love to go to this...

More new stuff on Johnny's website!
He'll be attending Macy's Glamorama Los Angeles
on Friday, Sept. 23, and also performing in 
"Fashion on Ice" on Saturday, Sept. 24, in Chicagoland!
Info here!

Yes! Johnny's dresses are now available
for purchase only on!

At last: Pop Star On Ice is now available on DVD!
Order yours today from the Pop Star On Ice website!

Johnny tweeted recently:
"Buy my single,'Dirty Love' via iTunes.
Tell all your friends to as well. The more copies sold
takes me one step closer to making a video! №1!"
You know what to do.
Please buy the song from Johnny's website,
or just click the "Buy" button on the player
at the top of the blog!

Hey, Welcome to My World also is available
as an eBook! More info on Johnny's website!

copyright 2011 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


aaaack said...

Kind of cool how at the end of the video he kicks up his skate heels, and it matches his hair and makes sort of a triangle.

Thanks, and I don't know how you manage to get your work done with all that you do.

Princess Johnny-Love ♥ said...

oh, Binky! it's a good thing i have the day off today or you'd be in trouble!

*dazed from watching the vid*

i really liked the orig Bad Romance costume but the new one is BEAUTIFUL!! of course, there's a Johnny in it, but still! it's making me forget all about the old one! loving it, especially with the hood up and the eye makeup, and then that shock of red hair.

gurl just OWNS the ice! ♥



WheresMyKoppy said...

Thans for the great photo from Tara of Johnny at Fireworks. I missed that one!

I'm still not a fan of that new costume for 'Bad Romance'. I know some people like it though! Love seeing the part from the photoshoot at the beginning of the video. I can't help wondering if Johnny and others wonder what the heck the photographers or directors or whatever are thinking of having them jump off stuff and jump in the air and so forth.

Peace said...

As soon as you get that 18 second endless loop I WANT!! STAT!!