Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beware of Geeks Bearing .Gifs ... (Although Geeks Bearing Donations Are a Good Thing)

Hey, Johnny, BB?

Um, we're working on that AIDS/LifeCycle thing.
Atomic Kitten is pedaling away, up and down those California hills,
and right now we're at $4,651.70.

Which is 62% of our goal.

Oh, BB.

See, this is Johnny's face when people don't donate.

We don't want to see this face.

We feel bad when we see Johnny cryface.

Although it's hilarious when it's about five excruciating minutes
into him trying so, so hard to speak Japanese.*

But we want to see Johnny happyface
when it comes to our fan project.

Like the face I imagine he might have had on Tuesday
at the NewNowNext Awards,
based on his tweet very late that night after the show:

So please, everybody.
Please donate whatever you can--
even just $1--either here or here.

And please join me every day, won't you,
in your own personal pimp-a-thon of this project,
whoring out these links to everyone you know,
e-mailing everyone in your address book,
snagging everyone at work and at the grocery store
and the scrapbooking shoppe and the corner bar
and the drycleaner and oh, a couple of daycare centers
and wherever else you won't get arrested
for loitering or panhandling,
and asking them to please donate.

Saving lives is hard work.

But it couldn't be more important.

And now we've got quite a reputation to live up to,
being the best fans in the galaxy and all
(thank you, BB!
We couldn't love you more,
especially when you tweet sweet nothings
onto our computer screens
at three o'clock in the morning ...)
(... mmmmmmmm ...)

So please,
let's do everything we can to meet our goal!
(evan if it means channeling some orange-filled spirit
that exhorts us to give 150%!)

Pretty please?
With a big, beautiful
white bow on top?

How can anyone say no to this vision
of devilishly angelic beauty?

Please keep pimping out our official ALC donation page
and our Ride for Life PayPal donation page
to everyone everywhere!
the 2010 Readers' Choice Skater of the Year Award
(voting ends July 15)!

*around marker 14:20. Not to be missed.
Thanks to Facebook fans Jessica Lane and Nicole Davis
for their inspired help with this post!

copyright 2010 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


WheresMyKoppy said...

OH, you funny woman you! I'll have to check out the speaking Japanese thing tomorrow! Right now it's too late for me.

I'm still pimping this stuff all I can. And in the last couple of days I have managed to get Johnny a few more votes in the Reader's Choice thing!

WheresMyKoppy said...

I just had to fast forward to just the speaking Japanese part before I signed off. OMG I almost laughed out loud but managed not too since my mom is sleeping a few feet away and it's 4 am. Stop making me laugh Johnny!

germansoulmate said...

Watching Johnny trying to speak Japanese, I almost pee`d my pants. I laugh every time I see that. I like funny, laughing Johnny so much.

I´ll continue to pimp the cause as much as I can of course.

We need to pimp the Reader´s Choice Award also.