Saturday, June 12, 2010

Welcome Home, Atomic Kitten!

Here's a big kiss from Johnny and all his fans to say thank you, thank you, thank you for representing us in our Ride for Life fan project for AIDS/LifeCycle!

The ride officially ended today with closing ceremonies in Los Angeles. And you so totally rock for having done this that there are hardly words for it--so these will have to do:

Thank you for volunteering to be "Rider X" a.k.a. Atomic Kitten; for cycling all 559.2 sometimes breezy, sometimes grueling miles, through a skinned knee, assorted bruises, a numb pinkie, and an injured shoulder; for tweeting and twitpicing along the way (loved the Vegas-themed porta-potties!); and for inspiring all of us Johnny fans to be a part of this project in every way we can.

And I personally want to say: I have enormous admiration for your strength, dedication, courage, and grit in competing this ride.

So while Atomic Kitten now gets (I hope) some long and well-deserved rest NOT in a tent on the ground next to a seismic snorer, please remember that we can still donate through July 31!

As of this writing, we have collected $5,812.83, which is 78% of the way toward our $7,500 goal. There also are donations in our PayPal account that have not yet been added to this total.

Even a simple $1 gift is $1 that helps save lives, so please donate today by credit card, debit card, or personal check at Johnny's main ALC page, or via PayPal at our Ride for Life website.

Thank you again, Atomic Kitten, for coming up with this idea
and for making this herculean effort. And thank you, Johnny,
for partnering with your fans in this project.

We love you both. Mwah!

"Therefore we pledge to bind ourselves to one another ...
to do all good things,
knowing that we are more than keepers
of our brothers and sisters.
We are our brothers and sisters."
--Maya Angelou

Please keep pimping out our official ALC donation page
to everyone everywhere!
the 2010 Readers' Choice Skater of the Year Award
(voting ends July 15)!

copyright 2010 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


Mimi Dzyacky said...

Again, perfectly spoken, and again in the hearts and heads of so many of JGW's fans!!!
MWAH!!! to you Binky!!

WheresMyKoppy said...

Good job, MM! And good job Atomic Kitten!

germansoulmate said...

Well said as usual.

Congrats and Thank you to Atomic Kitten for doing this and for helping rallying Johnny´s fans behind this so very important cause. Great job!