Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Week! New Numbers! Because Math NEVER Tastes Like It Totally Has Paper Close to It...

 #realityWEIR and #hotBETTYWHITE
I love them. Especially together.

OK, people! THIS IS THE FINAL WEEK OF VOTING for Johnny to win "Most Addictive Reality Star" in the NewNowNext Awards!

Let's review the latest updated figures as of whatever time it is which I'm fairly convinced it's Tuesday o'clock although I'm not actually sure because I spent Memorial Day weekend first driving hundreds of caffeine-fueled miles and then returning home to write and rewrite all kinds of stuff for a bunch of different projects like some kind of highly trained monkey on crack with access to a keyboard but no grasp of the concept that lying down for two hours and then consuming five ventis from Starbucks does not equal sleep, and while I'm sure everyone else had much more interesting things to do than squint at columns of numbers in between spending truly ludicrous amounts of time pondering the connotative differences between "crazy" and "insane"--apparently I didn't. But hey, somebody's got to be the HGBIC (Head Geek-Bitch in Charge) and I hate to always bother Bill Gates with it because he's busy, you know, saving lives in Africa and stuff.

So, with Friday's vote deadline looming, here are a bunch of random statistasitscatistics so we can see where we stand, which, as far as I can tell without drawing any actual conclusions for which I would have to be burned at the stake, seems pretty damn high up on a mountain of Twitter votes!:

*From Monday, May 24, through Monday, May 31, we logged 26,291 tweet votes total!

*Wednesday, May 26, we broke 5,000 votes in a single day for the first time!

*Voting fell off significantly on Saturday, May 29, to about 1,600 votes for the day. Part of the problem was that several of our top tweeters went overlimit on their Twitter accounts and got locked out of voting for hours at a time.

*On Monday, May 31, we broke 5,000 for the second time with 5,546 votes recorded!

*Our current daily average is now above 3,200--an increase of more than 200% since we first began tracking!

*7/5 of fans say they don't evan understand fractions but they're willing to give 150%, or thirty-twentieths, to voting.

*100% of our votes are cast by real people with no real lives to speak of, just like me, so I completely understand. How can we possibly have time for real lives when Johnny doesn't feel good one day and we have to drop everything to shower him with get-well tweets #realityWEIR #hotBETTYWHITE and cyber chicken soup, and daydream that we can personally nurse him back to health and make him strong like yak, and then two days later he shares an adorable twitpic of his baby Vanya and enthuses about the delectable purpleness of Kaboom so that suddenly 80,000+ bathrooms in America are sparkly clean? Plus there's this: A whole new treasure trove of Johnny video that is simply not to be missed. Goodness. We're lucky that our autonomic nervous systems remember we need to swallow every half hour or so.

And so what does it all mean? Let's check out the exciting and dynamic HGBIC graphic o' the day!

It means WE COULD BREAK 100,000 by FRIDAY!!!

And also that we better hope to God that those nice people over at LogoTV are using an equally accurate real-time tracking tool and did not decide to outsource the vote tallying to BP this year ("Yo. Where did all the votes go?" "I dunno. I think they're spewing out through this hole in the ethernet cable. We sorta keep trying to fix it, but no matter what we do, we just can't seem to care." "Well, as long as we're making money. Oh, and be sure to tell LogoTV that this project is going to cost them twice as much now because we don't know WTF we're doing." "Will do!").

BTW: Our dear Betty White got 7,244 Twitter votes last week, all from Johnny Weir fans. :) You can track her stats here. Her closest competitor received: Two votes.

BTW Part 2: Here are our Top Ten Tweeters for last week:

  1. @blackren101 - 1,973
  2. @JGW_fangirl - 1,698
  3. @realityWeir - 1,551
  4. @maxonat - 1,477
  5. @KittenGlitterHD - 1,342
  6. @Cheddar_Cat - 1,280
  7. @AddictedtoJWe - 1,253
  8. @MaggieStNJ - 1,198
  9. @Moo58 - 1,104
10. @TheJerseySlore - 1,082

Plus I know a significant number of fans are voting directly on the NewNowNext website, which is fanTAStic, and which I have done repeatedly myself in addition to tweet-voting. I find both activities pleasantly mindless, like baking, only without the third-degree burns that invariably result from baking while watching clips of Johnny trying to speak Japanese (fast-forward to about marker 14:20 ...)

So, Kittens: Our mission this week is clear: Please keep rocking the vote to 100,000-plus!

as "Most Addictive Reality Star"
in the NewNowNext Awards!
Vote here
(he's the last one listed in the fifth category--scroll down!)
or on Twitter by constantly tweeting

and retweeting #realityWEIR.
Voting ends June 4, which still gives us time
to get Johnny oh, say, 100,000 votes!
PLEASE also VOTE HERE for Johnny to win
the 2010 Readers' Choice Skater of the Year Award
(voting ends July 15)!

copyright 2010 / Binky and the Misfit Mimes / Lynn V. Ingogly / all rights reserved


WheresMyKoppy said...

OH, you are too funny! I didn't even do half of what you did and I still didn't write either of the blogs I had planned (though I did finish a couple chapters of some fanfic). Too much tweeting with two other kittens and daring to watch baseball games! I also managed to tweet Johnny a few votes and land him 28 more votes in the Reader's Choice contest... I'm glad we're helping Betty out also!

Maggie St. said...

WOW. I think the second sentence of this missive is THE longest run-on sentence I have ever read EVER!

*running off now to tweet about Johnny, Betty, and Vanya taking a bubble bath* **


Anonymous said...

This was a pure pleasure and oh so funny.



bsontwit said...

i heard its about 127 #realityweir s before they lock you twitter account, keep this in mind, cant wait until johnny wins this contest!!!

PumaJ said...

"HGBIC" !!!!!!! OMG, ROFL ♥❤❥☺

I am such a distractible Gemini :-( I get my Twitter page up, post a few #realityWEIRs, read the FB page, some other news, then wander off to so other stuff, sometimes I get up off the chair and sometimes it is my brain & mind that wander off deep into net land. When I come back I zip off a few #realityWEIRs. I figure even my few are better than me sending none :-)

MM, you are too fabulous for words!